Nobby the Tramp’s Golfing Adventure (2002)
In August 2002, a passer by added a set of golf clubs, complete with trolley, to Nobby's Oundle Road bus shelter ..... it was...
Walter Cornelius (1960)
Classic 1960 footage of Peterborough's popular strongman Walter Cornelius.
Jack Hunt School – Upper Sixth Form (1978/9)
The Upper Sixth Form of Jack Hunt School line up for the camera some time around 1978/1979.
Coronation medal and tin (1902)
Presented by the Mayor of Peterborough, George Keeble, a commemorative medal for the coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra on 26th June...
Longthorpe Postcard (1935)
All that is known about this one is that it dates to August 1935 and was taken in Longthorpe !
Fletton United FC (1906/7)
A superb old image showing the Fletton United FC team of 1906/7.
When Fletton United where voted into the Southern League in 1923 they added...
The Dynatones
An early shot of Peterborough band The Dynatones ..... with vocalist Tony Benham (right).
Peterborough United FC (1950s)
Press photos from POSH's Midland League sides of the mid 1950s.
Kevin Sanders, Westwood Wanderers (1994)
Kevin Sanders (bottom, second right) farewell party in 1994 as he leaves Westwood Wanderers rugby club to pursue opportunities in boxing management.
James Lewin aka “The Rock King”
Peakirk born James Arthur Lewin would have been a well known name in Peterborough from the 1890s through to his death in 1942, not...