The Park Steam Laundry
The Park Sanitary Steam Laundry which was based off the top end of Park Road on the site now taken up by housing on...
Kings School Rugby Team (1970)
Kings School Rugby XV pictured in 1970
Kings School (1978)
Some of Kings School class of 1978
Co-Op, Park Road (1928)
The Westgate House Co-Operative store looking along Park Road from the junction with Westgate in 1928
Co-Op, Park Road
An undated but very nice hand tinted image showing the Park Road side of the Co-Op with a fascinating looking vehicle parked up in...
Co-Op Cafe, Park Road
Believed to date to the early 1920s, these two ladies are walking alongside the Co-Op Cafe on Park Road.
Peterborough Land Company Map (c.1880)
A fascinating map produced by the Peterborough Land Company in the early years of their existence. Formed in 1875 by local businessmen and professionals, the...
Co-Op, Park Road
The Co-Operative store on Park Road near the junction with Westgate. An undated image and no idea what the event was !
Walter Beales – Victorian Cabinet Card
A wonderful "cabinet card" dating to around 1885 and showing a Victorian Penny farthing cycle.
The photographer was Park Road based Walter Beales who was...
Park Road
Smartly dressed Edwardian citizens on Park Road with Westgate in the background.