Freeman, Hardy & Willis

The shop window of Freeman, Hardy & Willis at 28/30 Bridge Street, captured in the early 1960s.

Buses on Bridge Street

You wait for one and then a depot full all arrive together ...... buses everywhere on Bridge Street and Long Causeway in the 1970s.  

New Town Hall

Estate agent, Auctioneer and Councillor, Arthur Craig cutting the first sod for the foundations of the new Town Hall in the early 1930s.

Broad Bridge Street

A wonderful undated image looking down Broad Bridge Street towards Town Bridge. Today the entrance to Rivergate Arcade would be in the centre of...

Golden Lion Hotel, Bridge Street

An undated image showing the Golden Lion Hotel on Bridge Street which proclaimed "Cyclists & Tourists Well Catered For" ! Just behind the young lady...

Broad Bridge Street from the Nene

A nice undated view across the Nene towards Broad Bridge Street.

City Centre Aerial Tour (1947)

An aerial tour of the city centre from May 1947, courtesy of an image from Aerofilms that has been nicely turned into a video...

Timothy Whites Medical Guide (1939)

A medical guide book produced in 1939 by Timothy Whites & Taylors on Market Place / Bridge Street. The store of Timothy Whites & Taylors...

Bridge Street in the 1950s

A view down Bridge Street in the 1950s, taken from outside the City Cinema and showing Polyfoto, Hiltons and the Grand Hotel.

Currys Cycles on Narrow (Bridge) Street

A superb image showing Narrow (Bridge) Street and, in particular, the store of Currys Cycles which was a very early link to the current...